What Makes Great Star Wars? Chief Creative Officer Dave Filoni Shares His Insights

Dave Filoni, Chief Creative Officer of Lucasfilm, discusses the key elements that make a Star Wars story great, including engaging characters, a sense of wonder and hope, and the freedom for creatives to express their love for the franchise. Filoni also highlights the evolving tone of Star Wars stories, with some becoming darker, and the exciting variety of expressions of love for the franchise through different mediums.

What Makes Great Star Wars? Chief Creative Officer Dave Filoni Shares His Insights

What Makes Great Star Wars? Chief Creative Officer Dave Filoni Shares His Insights - 1343795054

( Credit to: Templeofgeek )

Dave Filoni, the Chief Creative Officer of Lucasfilm, shares his insights on what makes a Star Wars story great. With his extensive experience in working on various Star Wars projects, Filoni has a deep understanding of the key elements that resonate with fans.

What Makes Great Star Wars? Chief Creative Officer Dave Filoni Shares His Insights - -589808714

( Credit to: Templeofgeek )

According to Filoni, great Star Wars stories are a combination of factors. One of the foundational elements is the blueprint laid down by George Lucas. Star Wars is an action-adventure that is fun, inspirational, and evokes a sense of wonder and hope. These core aspects provide the framework for storytelling in the Star Wars universe.

However, Filoni also acknowledges that the definition of great Star Wars has evolved over time. With the emergence of different types of Star Wars stories, there is no longer a single type that defines the franchise. The tone of Star Wars stories has become more diverse, with some taking on a darker tone. For example, the upcoming show Andor is expected to have a darker feel.

The Importance of Engaging Characters

What Makes Great Star Wars? Chief Creative Officer Dave Filoni Shares His Insights - 727051007

( Credit to: Templeofgeek )

One of the essential elements that Filoni believes makes a Star Wars story great is the presence of engaging characters. These characters are the heart and soul of the franchise, capturing the audience's attention and creating a connection. Whether it's Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, or Baby Yoda, the characters in Star Wars have become iconic and beloved.

Filoni emphasizes the importance of characters that audiences can root for. They need to be relatable, compelling, and have a clear journey or arc throughout the story. The audience should be invested in their growth and development, creating an emotional connection that keeps them engaged.

A Sense of Wonder and Hope

Another crucial aspect that Filoni highlights is the sense of wonder and hope that Star Wars instills in its audience. From the vast landscapes of Tatooine to the epic space battles, Star Wars has always been able to transport viewers to a galaxy far, far away and ignite their imaginations.

Filoni believes that great Star Wars stories should evoke a sense of awe and inspire viewers. They should leave the audience with a feeling of hope, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light. This optimistic tone is a fundamental part of the Star Wars DNA.

Freedom for Creatives to Express Love for the Franchise

Filoni expresses his excitement about the various expressions of love for Star Wars that are being showcased through different mediums. He mentions Star Wars: Visions as an example of how artists can creatively express themselves and their passion for the franchise.

According to Filoni, the expanding Star Wars universe allows creatives to explore different tones, styles, and perspectives. This freedom enables them to bring their unique vision to the storytelling process and contribute to the rich tapestry of the Star Wars universe.

By allowing creatives to express their love for Star Wars in different ways, the franchise continues to evolve and captivate audiences with fresh and innovative stories.


In conclusion, Dave Filoni, the Chief Creative Officer of Lucasfilm, believes that great Star Wars stories are a combination of factors. Engaging characters, a sense of wonder and hope, and the freedom for creatives to express their love for the franchise all contribute to the magic of Star Wars.

As the Star Wars universe continues to expand and new stories are told, fans can look forward to experiencing different tones, perspectives, and styles. It is an exciting time for both fans and creators alike as the galaxy far, far away continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world.

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