Political Controversy Surrounds Sangita Kalanidhi Award at The Music Academy

The decision to award the Sangita Kalanidhi to T M Krishna has sparked a political controversy, with musicians boycotting the event and allegations of divisive forces compromising the sanctity of the Music Academy.

Political Controversy Surrounds Sangita Kalanidhi Award at The Music Academy

Political Controversy Surrounds Sangita Kalanidhi Award at The Music Academy - 2116539054

( Credit to: Deccanherald )

The decision to award the Sangita Kalanidhi to T M Krishna has sparked a political controversy in Chennai. The Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai alleges that the Music Academy is under threat from divisive forces and expresses support for musicians who have boycotted the event.

Annamalai claims that the Music Academy, revered as the 'Temple of Carnatic Music and spiritual consciousness,' is being compromised by these divisive forces. The BJP firmly stands behind those who oppose the Academy's authority and their alleged inimical approach, striving to uphold the institution's sanctity.

Several musicians have announced their boycott of the December music season in protest against Krishna's selection as the presiding artist. Ranjani and Gayatri, in a letter to the Music Academy President N Murali, express their withdrawal from the concert, citing Krishna's past criticisms of the Academy and the Carnatic music world.

In response, Murali writes a strongly-worded letter expressing shock at the sisters' allegations and deeming them as unwarranted and slanderous assertions verging on defamation against a respected musician.

Support and Opposition for T M Krishna's Selection

While some musicians have chosen to boycott the December music festival, T M Krishna has received support from DMK MP Kanimozhi. Kanimozhi argues that the criticism Krishna faces for his social beliefs or engagement with Periyar is unwarranted, and she refutes claims of Periyar calling for a genocide.

Kanimozhi compares the hate Krishna receives to recent hate-filled speeches by BJP politicians, suggesting a disregard for freedom of thought and expression. The controversy surrounding Krishna's selection raises questions about the Music Academy's decision-making process and its impact on the world of Carnatic music.

The Significance of the Margazhi Season

The Margazhi season, which spans from mid-December to mid-January, is a significant event in Chennai. It attracts approximately 3,000 vocalists, musicians, and other exponents. However, Krishna's selection as the presiding artist has caused division among musicians and raised concerns about the Academy's decision-making process.

The Music Academy's Response

The Music Academy President N Murali responds to Ranjani and Gayatri's allegations with a strongly-worded letter. He expresses shock at their claims, deeming them as unwarranted and slanderous assertions against a respected musician.

The Future of The Music Academy

As the controversy continues, the Music Academy faces the challenge of navigating this situation and preserving its revered stature in the world of Carnatic music. It remains to be seen how the Academy will address the concerns raised by musicians and ensure a harmonious environment for all stakeholders.

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